This is about me rediscovering my love for writing and sharing it. I want to share a positive outlook on life and how to see the beauty in our endeavors.

Tuesday, February 28, 2012
No Make-Up March Challenge!
A wonderful group of ladies has come together and decided that societies look on how a girl's appearance is everything is wrong and we've had enough! So we've decided to act! For the month of March we are asking for support and unity on this one! Currently our society encourages sex appeal and forces negative attitudes about our appearances. This needs to stop! Newsflash ladies, if you're not a size 2, guess what? It means your healthy and there is nothing wrong with loving food! You don't need to rat your hair to make you look 5 inches taller than you actually are and you most definitely DO NOT need to cake on make-up that you saw some celebrity wear on TV. Ladies it is time to wake up and look through God's perspective of you and not through our societies! Do you know how amazing it would be if we accepted ourselves the way we are and didn't let society tear us down? Girls if we saw ourselves through the eyes of God and saw our potential and true beauty we would be an army! So, here's the challenge. For the month of March I challenge you to wear no make-up. Now, I know that some of us are technically required to look nice at work and church and I understand that; so if you won't wear make-up for the whole month then pick a time and place everyday where people do see and interact with you where you do not wear a single trace of make-up. I've decided to get bold, I'm not going to wear make-up at all to school. Now, I'm a college student and let me tell you on campus looks are outrageously important to students. Ladies, even if you can only make it one whole week without wearing make-up that would be an incredible statement! I challenge all of you to the No Make-Up March challenge! It's time we stand up to society and find ourselves beautiful without all of the extra things added to us. This is an incredible opportunity for you to grow yourself, with your friends, and to be a positive influence on girls around you. Are you willing to take this challenge? If so, I'd love to hear about your progress and growth! Let's go get them ladies! No make-up doesn't mean no beauty, no make-up means true beauty revealed.
Have you thanked a soldier today?
Many things have sparked this inspiration. I'm a marine brat, meaning I'm the daughter of a marine. I have the outmost respect for any person who has decided to join the military and raise the stacks of them giving their own life for millions of people whom they don't know. I went and saw the movie, "Acts of Valor," it is based on a true story about a group of navy seals who became a family and gave it all to protect America and everyone in it. I am also a college student and today in one of my classes we watched clips that had greatly affected and influenced American lives. One of them was on 9/11 and it brought back a flood of emotions: anger, sorrow, pain, and hope. The media has a tendency to focus on dramatic situations that bring controversy and negativity, but on that tragic day the media brought Americans together as nation for the first time in years. If you know a veteran or a soldier please be grateful and thank them for their services. What many people don't take seriously is that there are soldiers fighting and giving their lives to protect America and everyone in it, in case you think otherwise that includes you. Soldiers give it all, they leave their families at home and fight for our families whom they don't even know. I think that is pretty awesome. To the many soldiers I know and love and to those I've never met, I appreciate you and am grateful for your service.
Thursday, February 23, 2012
What's on your bucket list?
If you haven't started a bucket list, I encourage you to do it. It's not only fun, but also inspiring you can add anything you want. A bucket list should consist of all of your goals and dreams that you've already accomplished as well as the ones you plan to accomplish. The cool thing about a bucket list is it doesn't have a real ending. The things on my list are dreams/goals from my childhood and ones added along the way. Here is my bucket list.
I will add and update once I have accomplished or found some other crazy adventure I want to do!
1. Graduate high school-ACCOMPLISHED
2. Get a scholorsip to college-ACCOMPLISHED
3. Go skydiving
4. Go scuba diving and get over my fear of sharks
5. Feed a giraffe
6. Go whitewater kayaking
7. Go bungee jumping
8. Go to China to build an orphange
9. Graduate College
10. Be kissed in the rain
11. Get married
12. Have a family
13. Meet someone famous-ACCOMPLISHED
14. Find my true self
15. To combine nursing and ministry in a career
16. Record a song
17. Wrtie a book
18. Make a blog-ACCOMPLISHED
19. Make a difference in the world
20. To inspire someone to follow their dreams
21. To fall in love with God
22. Meet Ryan Reynolds
23.Travel the world
24. To be the best me I can be!
25. Kiss a sea lion
26. Become a massage therapist
27. Become a lifeguard-ACCOMPLISHED
28. Become a waitress-
29. Be a photography master
30. Help another person achieve their dream(s)
31. Get my concealed weapons license
32. Own and ride a motorcycle
33. Join the military
I will add and update once I have accomplished or found some other crazy adventure I want to do!
1. Graduate high school-ACCOMPLISHED
2. Get a scholorsip to college-ACCOMPLISHED
3. Go skydiving
4. Go scuba diving and get over my fear of sharks
5. Feed a giraffe
6. Go whitewater kayaking
7. Go bungee jumping
8. Go to China to build an orphange
9. Graduate College
10. Be kissed in the rain
11. Get married
12. Have a family
13. Meet someone famous-ACCOMPLISHED
14. Find my true self
15. To combine nursing and ministry in a career
16. Record a song
17. Wrtie a book
18. Make a blog-ACCOMPLISHED
19. Make a difference in the world
20. To inspire someone to follow their dreams
21. To fall in love with God
22. Meet Ryan Reynolds
23.Travel the world
24. To be the best me I can be!
25. Kiss a sea lion
26. Become a massage therapist
27. Become a lifeguard-ACCOMPLISHED
28. Become a waitress-
29. Be a photography master
30. Help another person achieve their dream(s)
31. Get my concealed weapons license
32. Own and ride a motorcycle
33. Join the military
Everyday Miracle
Since I was little, my mom taught me to appreciate the everyday miracles that God performs in my life. Today I would like to talk about one. CJ is a precious baby boy who was life flighted to a children's hospital on monday night. He was diagnosed with a form of menigitis, for those of you who don't know the effects of menigitis; it mainly causes swelling of the brain which can cause brain damage. Along with that it can cause seizures and many other health issues. Doctors quickly put CJ on several medications to dull pain and to stabalize him. To any family this situation and traumatic and heartbreaking. The amazing thing about CJ's family is that instead of getting upset and angry about the situation they reached out and asked for prayer. Everyone who knows this family has been praying, but adding to that hundreds of people who don't know them have been and are continuing to pray for healing. CJ is currently doing much better, the doctors have reported no brain damage. Can I get a PRAISE JESUS! Our Messiah has once again come through and humbled us all at His majesty. CJ has a long road to recovery, but he is responding and getting better minute by minute. I encourage you to pray for CJ and his family right now. Join me and hundreds of others to pray for complete healing! This story touched my heart and inspired me to be like CJ's family. Meaning, instead of getting angry when something unexpected and hurtful has happened, rediscover my faith and put my trust in God because He is my rock.
Wednesday, February 22, 2012
Some people know what it's like to lose a person you love..
Others know what it feels like to be hurt by someone we love..
Some people understand persecution...
Others are the persecutors...
Most people turn and look the other way...
Brave people stand up to save the day..
Weak people hurt others and in the end, they are the ones who pay..
Strong people give everything with the expectance of nothing in return...
Normal people give little and expect nothing in return..
Mean people give nothing and expect everything...
I wrote this one night when I was overwhelmed with how rude and unconsiderate people can be, where did the old fashioned respect and polite attitudes go? What has society done to the treatment of human beings? Sometimes I have trouble seeing the good in people. Even when people are at their absolute worst try to be positive and find a different perspective. Remember no matter how rude a person may be, they are still a person themselves and probably have something going on in their lives that makes them so unpleasant to be around.
Others know what it feels like to be hurt by someone we love..
Some people understand persecution...
Others are the persecutors...
Most people turn and look the other way...
Brave people stand up to save the day..
Weak people hurt others and in the end, they are the ones who pay..
Strong people give everything with the expectance of nothing in return...
Normal people give little and expect nothing in return..
Mean people give nothing and expect everything...
I wrote this one night when I was overwhelmed with how rude and unconsiderate people can be, where did the old fashioned respect and polite attitudes go? What has society done to the treatment of human beings? Sometimes I have trouble seeing the good in people. Even when people are at their absolute worst try to be positive and find a different perspective. Remember no matter how rude a person may be, they are still a person themselves and probably have something going on in their lives that makes them so unpleasant to be around.
As Innocence Fades
As a child you have great innocence,
the world is simple and is filled with fairytales and happy endings,
As a child that innocence fills you with dreams,
dreams that become a fantasy,
As a child your innocence gives you silly fears,
fears of the boogey man and big scary monsters who hide in your closet,
As a child you have heroes,
your parents shield you from the rest of the world,
As a child you see with innocence,
you see the sugar coated world instead of the shameful and ugly truth,
As a child you begin to grow,
and things begin to change,
As a growing child,
you make friends and you lose some,
you laugh and you cry,
you fight and you love,
as you continue to grow your innocence fades,
As a child you turn into a teenager,
as a teenager you do things,
you make decisions both bad and good,
With those mistakes trust fades and barriers build,
friends leave and parents give up,
when nothing is left,
you must stay strong,
for you are not alone,
God is by your side,
all day long,
through the right and the wrong,
He will not fade like your innocence,
rather He is constant,
He will walk with you holding your hang,
He will wait in patience for you to return,
When nothing is left,
you must stay strong,
for you are not alone.
As a child becoming a teenager,
to a teenager becoming and adult,
where does that innocence go?
the world is simple and is filled with fairytales and happy endings,
As a child that innocence fills you with dreams,
dreams that become a fantasy,
As a child your innocence gives you silly fears,
fears of the boogey man and big scary monsters who hide in your closet,
As a child you have heroes,
your parents shield you from the rest of the world,
As a child you see with innocence,
you see the sugar coated world instead of the shameful and ugly truth,
As a child you begin to grow,
and things begin to change,
As a growing child,
you make friends and you lose some,
you laugh and you cry,
you fight and you love,
as you continue to grow your innocence fades,
As a child you turn into a teenager,
as a teenager you do things,
you make decisions both bad and good,
With those mistakes trust fades and barriers build,
friends leave and parents give up,
when nothing is left,
you must stay strong,
for you are not alone,
God is by your side,
all day long,
through the right and the wrong,
He will not fade like your innocence,
rather He is constant,
He will walk with you holding your hang,
He will wait in patience for you to return,
When nothing is left,
you must stay strong,
for you are not alone.
As a child becoming a teenager,
to a teenager becoming and adult,
where does that innocence go?
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