Thursday, February 23, 2012

What's on your bucket list?

If you haven't started a bucket list, I encourage you to do it. It's not only fun, but also inspiring you can add anything you want. A bucket list should consist of all of your goals and dreams that you've already accomplished as well as the ones you plan to accomplish. The cool thing about a bucket list is it doesn't have a real ending. The things on my list are dreams/goals from my childhood and ones added along the way. Here is my bucket list.
I will add and update once I have accomplished or found some other crazy adventure I want to do!
1. Graduate high school-ACCOMPLISHED
2. Get a scholorsip to college-ACCOMPLISHED
3. Go skydiving
4. Go scuba diving and get over my fear of sharks
5. Feed a giraffe
6. Go whitewater kayaking
7. Go bungee jumping
8. Go to China to build an orphange
9. Graduate College
10. Be kissed in the rain
11. Get married
12. Have a family
13. Meet someone famous-ACCOMPLISHED
14. Find my true self
15. To combine nursing and ministry in a career
16. Record a song
17. Wrtie a book
18. Make a blog-ACCOMPLISHED
19. Make a difference in the world
20. To inspire someone to follow their dreams
21. To fall in love with God
22. Meet Ryan Reynolds
23.Travel the world
24. To be the best me I can be!
25. Kiss a sea lion
26. Become a massage therapist
27. Become a lifeguard-ACCOMPLISHED
28. Become a waitress-
29. Be a photography master
30. Help another person achieve their dream(s)
31. Get my concealed weapons license
32. Own and ride a motorcycle
33. Join the military


  1. Oh how exciting! We have some of the same items on our lists! Another one is to have an exciting zipline experience! (This is both a weight loss goal and a bucket list item... I'm almost there!)

  2. That sounds amazing! Let me know when you accomplish that! :) I can't wait to hear about it! :)
