This is about me rediscovering my love for writing and sharing it. I want to share a positive outlook on life and how to see the beauty in our endeavors.

Thursday, February 23, 2012
Everyday Miracle
Since I was little, my mom taught me to appreciate the everyday miracles that God performs in my life. Today I would like to talk about one. CJ is a precious baby boy who was life flighted to a children's hospital on monday night. He was diagnosed with a form of menigitis, for those of you who don't know the effects of menigitis; it mainly causes swelling of the brain which can cause brain damage. Along with that it can cause seizures and many other health issues. Doctors quickly put CJ on several medications to dull pain and to stabalize him. To any family this situation and traumatic and heartbreaking. The amazing thing about CJ's family is that instead of getting upset and angry about the situation they reached out and asked for prayer. Everyone who knows this family has been praying, but adding to that hundreds of people who don't know them have been and are continuing to pray for healing. CJ is currently doing much better, the doctors have reported no brain damage. Can I get a PRAISE JESUS! Our Messiah has once again come through and humbled us all at His majesty. CJ has a long road to recovery, but he is responding and getting better minute by minute. I encourage you to pray for CJ and his family right now. Join me and hundreds of others to pray for complete healing! This story touched my heart and inspired me to be like CJ's family. Meaning, instead of getting angry when something unexpected and hurtful has happened, rediscover my faith and put my trust in God because He is my rock.
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