and the chains have been broken,
I am finally free of
the power held over me.
In those final days that darkness reigned,
I prayed for someone to rescue me,
Jesus answered my prayer,
and took my place for me.
With scarred hands and a hole in His side,
He reached out His hand and said "You are free."
I took His hand only to feel His gentle embrace,
I fell to my knees, thankful for grace.
As I wept in His arms, He comforted me.
He spoke with compassion as He exclaimed, "My child, you are free."
Undeserved of His love and mercy, I am.
His one request was to make disciples of Him.
I tell you a story of love.
Of one who took my place,
so that I could live.
My battle was fought,
my Jesus paid the price for me.
Darkness has no hold over me,
for the blood of the Lamb set me free.

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