I have recently been asked many questions about my tattoos and what they mean to me. Currently, I have two of them, one on my right foot and one on my left shoulder. The one on my foot was drawn by a beautiful girl named Polly. We were at a church camp and I had told her my testimony. Polly is an incredible artist. Later that day she had been giving our girls tattoos in sharpie. She asked if I wanted one and what I wanted. I told her whatever she thought fit me. She drew the word beautiful on my foot. That word applies a lot to my life. I do not think that I am the most beautiful thing ever made believe me. I have had a struggle with my appearance and self esteem since I was little. It is an everyday reminder that I am beautiful. It goes further than that, I am reminded that no matter what life brings me I am blessed. Life is beautiful. My second tattoo is on my shoulder and it says faith is within me. I saw something like this online and loved it. I drew out my own design of it and had it done. My faith has pulled me out of the muck and comforted my brokenness when I've hit rock bottom. I say faith is within me because it comes from my soul. The dandelion represents the beauty of life. Dandelions are commonly passed over as ugly and weeds; it reminded me as to how I view life sometimes. When life looks dim and ugly remember that although a storm might be hovering; life is still beautiful. There are four birds going from little to big. These represent my four siblings. I have two older brothers and two younger sisters. The only thing that connects me and my siblings is our faith. It is within me just as it is within them.
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